Now, new version (0.2) of the SkyNet POGS application can be run on older devices with ARMv6 processors. New version, also fixes a time counting on a wrapper.
New SETI@Home v7 available!
This version (0.2) of SETI@Home application brings SETI@Home v7 application (required by current workunits) and small fixes for older and new version. Android version of a SETI@Home v7 supports autocorrelation (included in new workunits) via FFTW and can be run on ARMv6 and ARMv7 processors.
WUProp@Home app from project server!
Thanks main project administrator, WUProp@Home application is available from project server now! Now, application will be downloaded from project server (not from my repository) and will be available for ANY BOINC client for Android. NativeBOINC users can delete old application by using 'Native Client->Delete project binaries' option and select 'WUProp@Home' project. After deleting an application BOINC client will download application from project server. We recommend to stop client before deleting binaries.
New NativeBOINC
New NativeBOINC ( brings small fix for handling HTTPS urls. Previous versions improperly treats HTTPS urls in 'Enter project URL' dialog in 'Select project' screen by adding obsolete prefix ('http://'). Now, new version handles HTTPS urls properly.
New WUProp@Home app!
This version (0.1.6) updates data collect to 3.50 version and reverts obsolete changes for boinc_msg_prefix.